Return Policy

A Hassle-Free Returns process allows you to shop with confidence!

Simply submit a Email with the subject of " Return Request " to within 30 days of receiving your order, and we will provide you with instructions for your return.

Returns are accepted under most circumstances, but certain limitations will apply. If you have received incorrect, damaged, or missing parts, we will make all reasonable attempts to correct the situation in a timely manner. You must notify us within 48 hours of parts being received.

If the package appears to be damaged in transit, you must retain all packaging that is subject to inspection by the shipping service provider.

Do not need the parts anymore? We understand, plans change and things can happen. You may return the UNOPENED parts for a refund within 30 days. Returns after 30 days may only be eligible for store credit. Parts that have been opened may be returned, but are subject to inspection upon arrival.

If you purchased any kit, assembly, grouping of parts, Etc., it must be returned in its entirety for credit to be considered. Under no circumstances can kits be partially refunded.

Preparing Your Return:

  • Returns must be packaged securely in an outer carton.
  • The RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number provided to you in your return instructions must be written on the outside shipping carton.
  • Do NOT write on the product packaging itself. Write only on the outer shipping carton.
  • Packages received without a Return Authorization Number written clearly on the outer carton will be refused.
  • Returned products must be in new condition, with all original boxes, packaging, accessories, etc.
  • Upon receipt, all returns will be inspected, and, at our discretion, credit may be refused or a restocking fee of 5%-10% may be assessed due to the condition of the item.
  • Original shipping charges will not be refunded.
  • If items require freight shipping, the cost of freight is the responsibility of the customer.

Credit will NOT be issued in the following circumstances: 

  • The returned item has been installed, used, or damaged
  • The returned item does not include all original boxes, packaging, accessories, etc.
  • An electrical item is returned without an intact seal
  • A returned item serial number does not match the serial number of the shipped item.

Non-Returnable Items:

  • Any item marked “non-returnable” at the time of purchase